Laser Tube Cutting Machine Fully Automatic

Increased Advancement In The
Tube Processing

The fiber laser tube cutting machine fully automatic, can cut the simple or complex material parts and has the ability to process various shapes, sizes & thicknesses of profiles. Each finished workpiece offers the precise edge quality, eliminates additional processing, highly flexible and realizes the best usage of tubes & profiles. It has the ability to provide the perfect solution, positively impact the production process, has short setup times, very good accessibility with many functions that make part handling quick and easy.

Laser Power: 3kW – 12kW

Functions & Features

Technical Specification

Laser SourceRaycus
Laser Power

3kW to 12kW(optional)

Tube MaterialStainless steel, Carbon steel and other material tubes in round, square, rectangular, angel steel, “U” shape, “I” shape, other special tube
Cutting speedDetermined by metal type and thickness
Tube Length

3000mm, 6000mm (Optional)

Working Stroke

Tubes φ15-220mm,Square tubes 15×15-150×150mm

Positioning Accuracy of Axes X & Y ±0.05mm
Repositioning Accuracy of Axes X & Y ±0.03mm/1000mm
Maximum Positioning Speed of Axes X & Y240 Round/Min
Range of Axes A1 & A2N×360°
Positioning Accuracy of Axes A1 & A2±0.05º
Repositioning Accuracy of Rotation Axis U

≤5 Arc

Power Supply380V/50Hz/60Hz/60A
Footprint Size9000x5000mmas per the working stroke of 1500x3000mm
Stability 95%
Cutting Accuracy 99.99%
Durability 97%

Major Components

DNE Bsytronic Head
Bystronic (Swiss)
Fiber Laser Source
IPG (Germany)
Servo Motors & Drives
Schnieder (France)
Hellical Rack & Gear
WMH (Switzerland)
Planetary Gearbox
Neugart (Germany)

Components of The Machine​

Fiber Laser Source
It provides the most valuable & efficient laser beam transmission over the head for fiber laser cutting machine and allows extreme results with high quality. It delivers consistent beam quality and allows for fast cutting speeds with minimal material wastage.

It works with a large amount of accuracy, has low backlash, avoids misalignment of gears, not affected by vibration or resonance issues and highly robust. It improves torque output so the machine can handle high-speed operation and high-precision cutting efficiently.

Servo Motor
It moves the machining part, delivers maximum continuous torque, ability to run more smoothly, is highly efficient, gives great precision, controls the speed and has ultimate flexibility.

Pipe Cutting System
The professional numerical control system as pipe cutting in fiber laser tube cutting machine that gives a simple programming procedure to cut the desired angle & shape and achieve the precise cutting production conveniently.

End Products

Product Video

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