Hotwire Cutting Machine

Maximizes Complex Cut Structure

Our hotwire cutting machine model plot-250 is the open frame structure and can process the cuts for expanded & extruded polystyrene. The structure is made of powder coated steel, the operation is incredibly simple with a heated wire passing through the material to get the desired shape. It cuts the foam consistently & cleanly through computer programming without any defects and gives a superior dust-free surface finish. The design of a hotwire cutting machine with its combination of features will be useful in a variety of businesses such as display letters, signboards, text graphics, and decoration components for architecture.

Model: Plot-250

Functions & Features

Technical Specification

Model Plot-250
Cutting area (mm) X = 2500 / Y = 1210 / Z = 2000 (mm)
Axis speed 13000 mm/min
Accuracy +/- 0.05
Number of axis 4
Wire Length 2000 mm
Frame Powder coated steel
Motor Stepper
Keypad Hand Keypad

End Products

Components of The Machine​

The machine is using software Nettuno to get the most out of material and provides a rich graphical environment that makes the operation simple. With the customizable preset and having capability to import the digital drawing from software, can able to result in massive production in a short time.

The high torque stepper motor is incredibly powerful in maintaining the cutting process, moves the linear rod, gives ultra-quiet operation and consistent output in every pass without any defects. It has a wireless handheld keypad to do the different operations such as start, stop, control the axes and cutting speed adjustment etc.

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