Privacy Policy:

Our privacy policy sets out to understand how Business Point International gathers and treats your personal information which is identifiable as being about you. Please read our privacy policies carefully for a clear understanding that how we use your Personal Identifiable Information (PII) in accordance with our website.

What Type Of Information Do BPI Collect?
We collect name, address, phone number, email id, fax number information in various numbers of ways during registration, email, and live chat, comprise of when you interact with our website to serve you better, when you chat with us electronically and when we provide our services to you. The information we learn from customers assists us to personalize and continually improve our business service.

Security for Information
We respect your privacy personally and take a reasonable effort to protect that is a priority to us. It is not sure that there may be more assurance for the data transmission but we take precautions to protect the information about the users from our site both online and offline.

On the behalf of Business Point International, our employees won’t collect your bank details or credit/debit card number. We accept only electronic payment through bank or any mode of online payment & cheques and not as a cash.

Do We Use Cookies?
Cookies are a piece of data that are utilized by standardized technology and they collect information about the websites, how we made use of it. For an instance, by setting up the cookies to be accepted, the web server logs collect the source which includes the date and time of visits, pages viewed, and time spent at our website. The cookies gather the information in very small files which a website used to identify the details of data to store. Henceforth, cookies are used to improve the experience of people using our websites.

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Business Point International

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